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I can hardly look at him. I swear it’s like looking into the sun. When I hoped to run into Julian tonight, this is so not what I had in mind. I imagine Julian can see how uncomfortable I am, and he lets go of my elbow.
“I’m fine, but I’m so sorry I just spilled my drink all over you.” I swear the words come out garbled and know I sound like the teacher on the Peanuts cartoons. My mouth has become dry while staring at him.
“No worries, it’s an occupational hazard. I get drinks spilled on me at least once a week.” I totally appreciate that he’s trying to make me not feel like such an idiot.
“I’m sure you’re also used to women throwing themselves at you at least once a week too.” I follow his lead and try to make this a less embarrassing situation for myself. I let go of the railing, and as I’m getting my balance, my breasts gently brush up against Julian’s chest. My body is once again assaulted by the shock of our bodies touching. Does this stuff really happen? Am I the only one who felt that? I look up at Julian to see if he felt anything.
He’s no longer looking at me with amusement in his eyes, and my question is answered. His eyes are blazing with desire. Oh no, I’m not the only one. He obviously felt that too. Now I can’t stop staring at him, and I feel like a spaceship caught in a damn tractor beam. I see confusion in his stare, and I immediately sense his discomfort with this “thing” that’s happening between us. After a few moments, he looks away. He doesn’t look at me again and turns to head upstairs.
“Come find me when you need another drink.” I hear Julian’s offer as he walks away, and I respond in my head. Hell yes!
I walk down the stairs as quickly as I can without falling again and find Marissa waiting for me at the bottom. I exhale and realize I’ve been holding my breath. She’s laughing at me, and I can’t help but laugh back.
“Oh my God that was embarrassing. Of course he’s the guy I run into and spill a drink on. Think I made an impression?” I’m totally making fun of myself, and Marissa joins in.
“Oh, you made an impression all right. I doubt he’ll forget the girl who almost knocked him over in the stairwell and spilled a drink all over him.”
“Just trying to stand out in a crowd.” Seriously though, embarrassing as that was, he probably won’t forget me.
“I keep telling you not to wear such high heels, Lexie. You’re always doing shit like that.” It’s true. I have a fascination with really high heels, like four inches or higher. The problem is I’m only good in them for the first few hours I’m wearing them. After that, it’s a guarantee I’ll either be complaining because my feet hurt or I’ll trip on something because I can’t walk anymore. Being buzzed certainly doesn’t help.
“Well, if I’m going to fall into anything, at least it was Julian Bauer. Did you freaking see him? He’s better looking in person then he is in pictures. At first I could hardly look at him, and then I couldn’t stop staring. It was like some Jedi mind control thing he was doing to me.”
Marissa laughs and nods in agreement. “He’s definitely one of the best-looking guys I’ve ever seen in person.” This observation is serious coming from Marissa. She never really comments much on guys we see out. She’s engaged, and although she looks sometimes, she’s totally into her fiancé, Kevin. Kevin is in the army and stationed overseas for the next eight months. I feel bad for her that he’s away because I know how much she misses him. But I’m also secretly glad I’ve had her to myself the last few months. These “girlfriend” moments keep me sane.
“Right.” I say it in agreement rather than as a question. We laugh and joke as we head out to the dance floor. Marissa is smiling at me, and I ask her what’s up.
“It’s nice to see you like this again, Lex—flirting and drooling over a hot guy. It’s like old times.”
I definitely was drooling. Geez. It has been a long time since I’ve had sex, and although I miss it, I haven’t made any effort to meet anyone. Right now it’s all I can think about. Julian Bauer is one hot man.
I’m sure I’ll be replaying this scene over and over in my head for the rest of the night, but for now I just want to get out on the floor and dance. We head out there and dance for a little while. Well, until I start complaining about my feet hurting. I decide I’d rather drink than dance, and because I spilled half of my drink on Julian, I’m out. I debate going back upstairs to Luke because I’m not sure I want to run into Julian again, literally or figuratively. I played off the whole encounter when Marissa and I were talking about it, but to be honest, something happened in that stairwell that made us both uncomfortable and excited. There was an instant, powerful connection between us, and I really felt like I was being drawn to him in an inexplicable way. I manage to convince myself I imagined the whole thing and decide I want a free drink. Marissa stays in Stellar with Shannon and Cory, who joined up with us a few songs ago.
I head up to Orion and find an open stool at the end of the bar. My feet thank me for finding a place to sit down. Damn shoes. Luke is all the way at the end of long bar, and I realize I might be here awhile. It’s very crowded, and I can see Luke is busy. Another bartender comes over to me and tries to take my order. I’m pretty sure his name is Jordan. Luke has told me about a guy he’s been working with, and this guy fits the description: multiracial, tall, dark, and handsome. Being hot is definitely a prerequisite to work here. I have yet to see an ugly employee. I tell him I’m waiting for Luke, and he says he’ll let him know I’m down here. I sit there people watching while I wait for Luke, and before long, I see Julian headed my way. He has seen me, and although I’m tempted to get up and run away, it would be so obvious I’m trying to avoid him. I actually don’t want to avoid him, but all of my alarms go off when he’s nearby, and I know in my gut he’s not the type of guy I need in my life.
Before Julian reaches the corner where I’m sitting, he stops and makes himself a drink. I contemplate my getaway at that moment, but I’m unable to pull my eyes away from the great view of his hot body. As he moves around the bar, I’m treated to the full display. I’ve already experienced his chest and arms up-close and way too personal in the stairwell. Now I get to peruse the whole package. His legs are long, and his black slacks are just the right amount of tight to show off the muscles in his thighs. His ass is, well, it’s perfect. My heart’s beginning to beat faster, and feelings of longing have started coursing through my body. I feel my nipples tightening. Seriously, Alexa? Get a grip.
I’m totally ogling this man, and I can’t stop. I’m sure he’s used to it, but it’s not something I make a habit of. As a matter of fact, I’ve made it a point over the last nine months to pretty much avoid men. I’ve tried not to attract any male attention since my relationship with Brady ended, and that means not flirting or staring or doing any of the things I can’t stop myself from doing right now. I try not to be obvious as I gawk at him, but the sly smile I see on his face when he turns back toward me tells me I’m totally busted. He knows I’m checking him out, and he seems to be enjoying it.
Julian sets his drink down in front of me on the bar, and I can’t help but notice his Patek Philippe watch or the David Yurman dog tag that hangs around his beautiful neck. Everything about this guy screams expensive. His clothes, his jewelry, the fact he owns this place, all confirm he has money. Yet he doesn’t come across like some of the spoiled, “I’m better than everyone else because I have money” type of guys that are all over South Florida. He seems casual, yet totally put together. Comfortable and approachable, yet very powerful. There’s a tiny bit of Julian’s confident aura that reminds me of Brady, and I can’t help but think about him for a moment. Brady came from money, and when I was with him, he didn’t hesitate to spend it or share it with everyone around him. But it wasn’t his own money, and because he didn’t work for it, he really didn’t appreciate everything he had. Through him, I lived a very flashy and fast lifestyle for almost a year. It was really fun and exciting at
first, but I never was really comfortable with the pace and excess. It was my discomfort that made me start to pull away.
Thankfully, Julian’s voice breaks through my thoughts and brings me out of the past and into the now. “Do you see anything you like?” Julian’s voice is flirty and teasing. I’m a little embarrassed but also excited to hear him talk to me in that playful tone again.
I just smile at him, not knowing if I should actually answer his question. Because, boy do I ever see something I like. This guy really should be a model. I wonder quickly if he actually is, or was. He’s stunning. It’s more than just the way he looks though. There’s this powerful, confident, all-male energy that just radiates off of him. If I had to describe my perfect man based on outward appearances, Julian Bauer would be him. I wonder if all the cocktails I’ve consumed have helped me conjure up this beautiful illusion, like an oasis in the desert. Guys this good looking don’t really exist, do they? And if they do, they certainly don’t make a habit of flirting with girls like me, right?
My doubting his interest in me isn’t a reflection of my self-esteem. It’s more of a reality check. I know I’m a pretty girl. I’d say a solid eight on a ten-point scale. My long, naturally wavy, dirty blonde hair, dark green eyes, ample breasts, and curvy body have definitely attracted my share of admirers. But most of those men were all in the eight range on the scale, like me. I’m definitely more comfortable and secure with those types of guys. It sounds superficial, but when I’ve been with a guy who’s more my equal as far as looks go, I feel less insecure he’ll be looking to find someone better. If I had to rank Julian, he’d be like a fifteen on that same scale, and I’m sure there are no shortage of models in South Beach who would be more his type. I kind of laugh at myself inside for even thinking anything happening between Julian and me is a possibility.
I try to act cool and casually look around the bar. I’m doing anything I can to keep myself from drooling over this man. When I finally look back at him, reality hits me right in the gut. Julian is real and is standing in front me, staring intensely back at me with his big, green eyes. He seems fine with my ogling, so I keep staring. I sweep my gaze down from his eyes, pause momentarily on his perfectly proportioned nose, and finally land my eyes on his beautiful mouth. I’m transfixed. He says something, but all I can focus on are his lips and how much I want them on mine. There’s not a chance this guy isn’t an incredible kisser.
“Can I get you anything …?” He leaves the end of his question open for me to fill in the blank with my name.
“Alexa.” He says my name with a Spanish accent, and it sounds so much more beautiful than when I say it. He doesn’t introduce himself, and I assume that he assumes everyone knows who he is.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” Oh, flattery will get him everywhere.
“Eres Latina?”
“No, soy una gringa,” I respond in my best Spanish.
Surprise lights up his face, and he flashes me a sexy smile. “Eres una gringa que habla muy bien el Español.”
I didn’t think it was possible for him to sound sexier, but he does when he speaks Spanish, and I can hardly focus. I decide I’m not ready to continue a conversation in Spanish with someone who I’m having a hard time even speaking English to.
“Thank you. And in answer to your original question, yes, I do see something I like.”
I get the sexy smile flashed at me again, and the butterflies in my stomach start fluttering like crazy. I swear he uses his smile as a sexual weapon.
“That mojito Luke just made looks like just the thing I need.”
Julian chuckles and shakes his head. “Not exactly the answer I had in mind, but one mojito coming up.”
He calls down the bar to Luke. “Luke, this beautiful lady likes the look of your mojito and would like the taste of one on her tongue.”
I swear the words roll off his tongue like hot, sweaty sex. The drink is not the only damn thing I want to taste on my tongue, and I’m sure Julian has figured that out by the way I was visually assaulting his mouth just moments ago.
Julian has no idea I know Luke because Luke has not acknowledged me since I sat down at the bar twenty minutes ago. Luke turns around, sees Julian is talking about me, and hurries over to the end of the bar where I’m sitting. He leans over and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. He turns and flashes his own signature smile at Julian.
“Coming right up, boss. This beautiful lady can have anything she wants from me.”
I love Luke. He always knows just the thing to say and do. It’s part of the reason he’s such a great bartender and an even better friend. I’m not sure Julian hears the possessiveness in Luke’s voice, but I hear it. I also catch the warning in his eyes as he turns to make me my drink. Julian has been looking at me like he wants to rip all of my clothes off, and Luke must have noticed. I want to tell him not to worry, mainly because there’s nothing to worry about. Please. Nothing is going to happen between Julian and me. He should know better than anyone his boss probably dates supermodels. And he also knows I’m not going there, with anyone. This is just some harmless flirting. Right?
I shift slightly on my stool and bring my gaze back to Julian. When my eyes meet his, I do not miss the darts his eyes are throwing at Luke’s back. He looks … well, jealous?
“You two know each other?” It comes out as a statement rather than a question. I decide to have fun with this. I mean, of course we know each other. The man just kissed me on the lips. With as straight a face as I can manage, I respond.
“Know him? No, I don’t know him.”
“He just kissed you,” Julian practically hisses. Wow … he is jealous. Really? I’m flattered and enjoying this immensely, so I decide to continue teasing him.
I hold back a smile as I try to look both nonchalant and confused. “I know he did. And he has the softest lips. Mmm. Delicioso. I wonder if having soft lips is a requirement of all of the bartenders here.”
Julian is looking at me like I’m totally crazy. He can’t tell if I’m serious or not.
“I think this bar has the best customer-service policy. A kiss with each drink. Let’s see, that’s my third drink tonight. So three kisses for me tonight … wait.” I pause, purse my lips together, and start counting on my fingers as if I’m trying to recall the missing kiss. “I’ve only been kissed two times tonight, and I know I’ve had three drinks. I’ve been ripped off. Someone needs to get fired!”
I say the last sentence, and I can’t help but laugh when I see the expression on Julian’s face. He’s also laughing now, and it seems I’ve successfully broken through his surliness. I turn in my stool so I’m facing him completely head on.
“Of course I know him. Luke is one of my best friends.”
Julian continues to smile. Wow. He is beautiful.
“Thank God. I’m very glad to hear it. I was beginning to think a sexual harassment lawsuit would be on my desk in the morning.”
His lighthearted response makes me smile and giggle. He has a great sense of humor and seems very down to earth. He leans over and whispers sexily in my ear. I can feel his hot breath on my neck, and it sends shivers down my spine. The sweet smell of whiskey mixed with peppermint on his breath coupled with his delicious cologne launches an assault on my senses. If this were a black-and-white movie, I swear I’d be swooning.
“But if you really are looking for that kiss you missed out on, I would be more than happy to personally provide you with the most excellent customer service Hotel Del Marco offers. The type of stellar service only the owner can provide.”
I think I gasp, and Julian snickers under his breath. He knows exactly what kind of effect he’s having on me. So much for me pulling off calm, cool, and collected.
“Well, it may be nice to know your name before we get that up-close and personal,�
� I whisper back. I’m a pro at snarky banter, and this man brings out my sarcastic nature without even trying.
Of course I’m teasing, but Julian looks like he doesn’t really know if I’m serious or not. I’m not sure he even realizes he hasn’t bothered to officially introduce himself to me. My comment brings a big smile to his face, and he concedes he skipped that step.
“My bad, Alexa. I’m Julian Bauer. It’s very nice to ‘officially’ meet you. I guess our run-in in the stairwell doesn’t count as up-close and personal then?” Julian is pretending to act all proper and polite and extends his hand as a means of introduction. I look down at his hand and reach out and put my hand in his. His large hand is soft and strong and completely envelops mine. The second we touch, a jolt of electricity shoots through me. His touch really is like an electric shock to my system. It’s the third time we have touched, and each time I’ve gotten the chills up and down my body. I look up at Julian after we touch, and it’s totally obvious he feels it too. His playful demeanor completely changes, just like it did in the stairwell. His gaze is burning. I’m practically rendered speechless, but I manage to push a few words out.
“Well, Julian Bauer. I’m Alexa Reed, and it is nice to ‘officially’ meet you.”
Thank goodness Luke walks up when he does and sets my drink down in front of me. He looks at Julian, then at me, and back at Julian again. He has a smile on his face, but I know it’s the bullshit one he flashes when he’s not happy. He knows something is going down here.
“There you go, Lex. You should stop after this one. Don’t want you to be hung over tomorrow and ruin our whole day.”
Seriously? How embarrassing. I can’t believe he just said that, and I’m not sure what the hell he’s talking about because we don’t have plans tomorrow because I’m working. I don’t want to make a scene, so I settle for rolling my eyes at him. I’m ready for him to walk away so I can finish my conversation with Julian. But he just stands there like he has nothing else to do. I shrug my shoulders at Julian as if to say I have no idea what Luke is up to.